
Monday 25 October 2010

First goes we are...I am finally getting round to writing my thoughts down in a place where anyone and everyone can access them.
Bit daunting but somewhat liberating none the less.
A bit about me...I am a PR professional that absolutely loves all things communication. Be it face to face meetings or random ramblings on social media, my line of work means that I am able to target specific audiences with news of relevance that may influence and hopefully change behaviours (obv to favour my wonderful clients!)
So why, if I spend all day writing, do I want to sit down of an evening and tell you all my news?! Well that is I guess down to the fact that I enjoy getting things off my chest. Perhaps another KEY facts is that my husband has limited interest in gardening (he'll cut the lawn...) and despite showing lots of enthusiasm as I talk about my wonderful working day, he works in construction not PR, so when I witter on about how the changing media landscapes are making things tougher yet exciting or how bubbly the champagne was when we won 'that' piece of new business, he smiles politely and nods encouragingly but his beautiful blue eyes begin to glaze over! So I am hoping that you lot out there will listen and enjoy what I have to say without that glazed look!
Post One: Done!
Stay tuned kids...

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