
Wednesday 27 October 2010

Wednesday....half way there

Sorry I didn't come back yesterday-I jibbed out and had Fish and Chips from Le Chip Shop...

However as the name of my blog suggests I do like to do a spot of gardening..I however still class myself as a  gardening virgin. Up until a month ago the only bit of gardening I had done was mowing the lawn and 'borrowing' some of my dads well planted pots (I also kept said plants alive). However I am now diving head first into gardening! You may think it is odd that I have decided to take up this hobby as the days get shorter and the frost is on its way, but best to be prepared for 2011 eh!?

First things first...
I have planted my sweet pea seeds and they are starting to pop their little green heads up through my Wilko peat free compost as they warm up on my spare bedroom windowsill!

My daffodil and tulip bulbs are in pots outside getting ready to poke out of the soil in early spring! (I HOPE!!!)

And finally....
I have parsley, coriander and sweet peppers growing on the kitchen windowsill! The coriander and parsley are doing well - however the peppers are no where to be seen...will give them another week...

Still very early days but I am confident that Feb and March will be busy months - it is in these months that I will be digging my vegetable patch and planning what lush things I want to grow and in turn cook!

The husband has just shown me the best clip I have ever seen on You Tube...if you like the apprentice you will LOVE this! Cassette Boy V The Bloody Apprentice

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