
Tuesday 26 October 2010

Guess what we've been talking about...

So I'm sat in my wonderfully vibrant PR office and the topic of blogging crops up! Just as I am logging on to see how many people have viewed my blog since last night...(not many in case you were wondering, I am living in a dream world hoping that millions of enthusiastic readers will stumble across it on a rainy day and tell me how amazing it is!!)

Now I can talk about this from both sides of the spectrum...As a PR wanting Bloggers to endorse my clients products/services and now as a blogger...Obviously in the looser sense of the term. I am still a newbie!

I enjoy reading people opinions and love the fact that we are no longer dictated to by the media to think their thoughts, instead we can create our own and let others know what we think. This citizen journalism 'fad' has come a long way!

So there we have my slightly intellectual thought of the day...
Now onto whats for dinner tonight...thinking of indulging in a lush prawn stirfry. Depending on how it looks and tastes will depend on whether I share the detail with you after eating!


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